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Let Your Silly Out!

Even bad ass, warrior goddess, strong, defender of all Wonder Woman needs silly time!

So, don your elf hat today even if you're not feeling it.

The hat and the laughter it brings will make magic happen! 

Sometimes as an adult, as a parent, and even as a child or teenager we feel the need to “be strong”.  We work hard, we protect hard, we love hard, we push endlessly to be better, stronger, wiser….  This is good within context and for short periods of time. Sometimes, we have to be the superhero.  However, when this becomes our default drive it can push us into anxiety, depression, perfectionism and resentment. If we stay in the superhero or perfectionist mind set too much, we may begin to not feel good enough or worthy enough. So,what is our strength becomes our kryptonite

If we stay in the superhero or perfectionist mind set too much, we may begin to not feel good enough or worthy enough. So,what is our strength becomes our kryptonite. 

If you or your child/teen are struggling with perfectionism or superhero syndrome that has gotten out of control and is becoming detrimental there is help available. Start with lightening the load with a little bit of silly. A little bit of laughter. There is even a thing called Laughter Yoga that is based on science and loads of fun! Just de-stressing with community and levity can help a whole lot. If things are still difficult then look for a good therapist.  

 Just de-stressing with community and levity can help a whole lot.

If things are still difficult then look for a good therapist.  

Meanwhile during this holiday season don a silly elf hat even if you are feeling blue. It will brighten your day and the day of those you pass by!

Let your Silly Out! 

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