* Child Therapy In Harrisonburg, VA
* Family Therapy In Harrisonburg, VA
* Bilingual Therapy In Harrisonburg, VA

Family Therapy
Serving the Shenandoah Valley -Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, and Augusta County from Dayton, VA
Connecting, Expressing, Exploring, Creating, Relating,Growing

Values / Beliefs
Life is a kaleidoscope of colors, a journey of adventure, filled with twists and turns that are unexpected. Life can be like a dance.
Positive relationships help us safely unlock the potential inside of us and give us the ability to go on and face things that are hard.
Sometimes we need someone who is not in the middle of our troubles to help us find a new perspective and new tools to reframe or help us change our thoughts, ideas, and patterns.
Sometimes life is upside down, backwards, forwards, messy, crazy, and unexplainable! Sometimes it is just mildly confusing and depressing. Sometimes it is terrifying. It is not always pretty or easy.
Growth provides us with the ability to have a vibrant life that is full and flourishing and contributes to our fluidity, creativity and wholeness as an individual and community.
I believe therapy
should be
as fun as possible—
It should be a sanctuary
in which to discover
and grow.
Spiral Roots is about
connecting, expressing, exploring, creating, relating and growing.
I will meet your youth/family wherever they are at with no judgement. Spiral Roots welcomes people of all races, beliefs, and sexual orientations.
Spiral Roots is a safe place for growth and healing. Know you are not alone on this journey in life. You do not need to have all the answers. My goal is to work with you not to "therapize" you.
Together we will find answers that you seek.
Counseling for teenagers and children in Harrisonburg, VA
My Approach to Therapy
 Why ask for help?
Wisdom and growth come from both the good and the bad experiences in life.
Teen Therapy
Harrisonburg, VA
Our experiences
are a part of
who we are
who we become.
Life has moments that are filled with sunshine, hope, possibilities, laughter, and joy! These we should embrace and celebrate always! Life also has days that are dark and confusing. Days when you need friend with a different perspective to help guide you through.
Growth comes from sifting through our experiences, listening, learning from the wisdom and experiences of others, creating new experiences in the present, and making choices as to how we will use this information in our lives.
We each choose
our experiences
affect us.
Child Therapy
Harrisonburg, VA
Life is hard. Everyone struggles at times. I believe that therapy should be as fun as possible. It should be a sanctuary to discover and grow. We learn best when we are having fun.
I love seeing young people light up when a spark of insight brings on “Aha!” moments. I use things such as games, art, sand, movement, mindfulness, music, and drumming to help individuals or families. I engage heart to heart conversations where life’s issues can be sorted out or challenged.
I enjoy helping parents/caregivers and youth learn to communicate more effectively through encouraging and supporting honest, direct conversations.
I invite you to allow me to help your teen or tween cope with life stressors such as anxiety, depression, behavior issues, anger, oppositional defiance, adjustments to new settings, life events, family dynamics, school situations, poor decisions, traumatic events and much much more.
I have 25 years experience working with at risk youth and their families. I have three trauma certificates and continue to expand my knowledge in working with adolescents and families on a continual basis. I work from a strength based philosophy, and believe in tapping in to creativity and relationships as core principles that impact or propel growth.
I provide teen therapy, child therapy, and family
Therapy in Harrisonburg, Va and the surrounding areas.
How can I help you?
Family Therapy
Harrisonburg, VA
A healthy life
is a life that is
growing and changing
all the time.
Sometimes we just need
a little encouragement along the way.
I am curious:
"What is hard for you?
What do you want to change?
What is your story?"
What do you need?
What do you want to change?
How do you want to grow?
You have a choice.
You play a part in
your own growth."
Let’s jump in together
and grow!
What do you need to talk about but can't find the words for? By the way that is OK and normal to not always have words!
What Worries You?
"What excites you?
What motivates you?
What interests you?"
What frightens you?

to Grow
Safe Place
Call me today!
540 - 416 - 1628
Llámame hoy! today!